Christmas updates!



If you're familiar with Vosher, you'll know that Christmas is a really exciting time. Live events, update after update, new items in the item shop, and podcast feeds blowing up with "The Official Vosher Podcast".

But what if Christmas took on a boss fight too?

That's just what the crammath update is going to do!! Say hello to the brand new hybird creatures right out from the ice age!

The secret theorum…

Crisper Crammaths are mean creatures, unless tamed. But until then, they are unpredictable (last Thursday they upturned four trees), irresponsible (they could never take care of your dog), and aggressive (long story short, we don’t co-exist with Crammaths.) 

But the secret theorum will help you win a battle again the normal ones, and if you’re lucky, even the boss. 

Here it is:
They have one weak spot: their hump.Underneath the hair is a small opening into their water supply (yes, they carry water like camels), and if you can break through there, they won’t last long. Cut off other exterior water supply by jumping onto their trunk, and insure they don’t call buddies.

Buy some of the Christmas items today!

Rupert, Digery, and Present Pooch, are three among many of the new exclusive skins this season!


New Crisp characters up for a limited time! New ones and ones of old as well.

It’s about to get chilly

Make sure your house is strong anf you’ve got a nice fire going when the Winter season starts to creep in to the Vosher world. Sometimes, it even gets into the negatives!!!


As a first-season member, I can’t help getting excited as the website designer writing this…THE JELLYERS ARE BACK!!! The Jellyers have a long history with Vosher, beginning as one of the FIRST (and only) Vosher releases for Christmas. Back when Vosher only had new releases once every year, the Jellyers were a fan favorite. But going into season 5, the Jellyers had almost passed into legend. And yet, when no one thought Vosher would bring them back, THEY DID!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOOHOOO!! 

Duplex Crispers

Instead of the ghosts from the haunted pizzaria Vosher episode, “Duplex Crispers” are the new tamables. If you find them before they find you, you get to keep them!

Otherwise, you’ve most likely lost 10 health.

We’ll call this a sweet & spicy release! 

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