Vosher: How to play
Our highest levels of stupidity…
This game is pretty…weird! That’s why its gone viral with over 98,000 users worldwide, and reached historic heights, as it gained thousands of participants almost overnight.
The object
We can’t really say rules…because this game has no complete structure. It is a game of your imagination, and someone with no imagination will hate this game. But if you’re one of those people that loves making up fantasy worlds in your free time, this game you will find utterly your dreams!
Vosher is a game of collecting characters. You must acquire Smhiles and dimaonds, which are the currency, and use these to purchase certain items and things around the map. They are also redeemable at the V-Bay market, the item shop, and the other 3rd party vendors such as Triangle-7, Rect-9, B42, and Flubble. There is an imaginary map, which now actually has a real location, where you walk around and reside alongside all your characters. There is a shop you can access here on the website to get specials and new deals. Then you can battle other users, and earn characters as you go. There are also special quests and competitions in which you can participate! This game is mostly for those who live in the Vosher area, because they can go to the locations and play the events live. So unless you live in that area, sadly, you won’t be able to do anything for Vosher yet. BUT…we are in the process of creating a virtual reality going into the world of Vosher. There is an on-going storyline, that correlates with the season name, presently that name being Hyperspace; season 3. There is also a podcast where you can listen to Calvin and Simon, creators, as they go through the world of Vosher in a very engaging, fun way! This…is Vosher!
Understanding this website
Every game needs a website, whether it be for new updates, event hostings, to keep the game up-to-date, or just for enthusiasm. We embrace all these reasons on the Official Vosher Website, and keep the storyline interesting and fun, while you engage in playing the content we create. Vosher continues to update their VR game and build on the world of Vosher. Join us in updates when they are released, event timers, and character sales, all on the Official Vosher Website!